Of major importance is that JvYAML works the same way as SYCK, so that JRuby can rely on YAML parsing and emitting that mirrors C Ruby.
JvYAML is a clean port of RbYAML, which was a port from Python code written by Kirill Simonov
Simple usage:
import org.jvyaml.YAML;There is also support for more advanced loading of JavaBeans with automatic setting of properties with the use of domain tags in the YAML document.
Map configuration = (Map)YAML.load(new FileReader("c:/projects/ourSpecificConfig.yml"));
List values = (List)YAML.load("--- \n- A\n- b\n- c\n");
More information:
At java.net: http://jvyaml.dev.java.net
Download: https://jvyaml.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList
JvYAML is distributed with the MIT license.
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